Writing, Editing, Proofing, Oh My.

Writing, Editing, Proofing, Oh My.

Writing, Editing, Proofing, Oh My.

Sometimes writing is like walking the yellow, brick, road with Dorothy and Toto. “Writing, Editing, Proofing, Oh My.”

This month is National Novel Writing Month. Known to writers as NaNoWriMo.

The goal is to get a novel written in thirty days. You heard that right, thirty days. I have a hard time deciding on a purse to purchase within thirty days, and you expect me to write a novel?

Several well known authors benefited from NaNoWriMo.

Sara Gruen’s novel, Water for Elephants, began during NaNoWriMo. Psst, this is on my to-read list!

As if one book wasn’t enough of an accomplishment, Marissa Meyer, YA author, wrote three!

My First Experience With NaNoWriMo

A couple years ago, I dove into NaNoWriMo head first. My nights were filled with typing as fast as my little fingers could move. I made it half-way through and due to a death in the family, I was derailed. The story came to a stand still for a couple years. But, I’m right back at it this month.

My challenge will be to write every night. There is no editing, proofing, burning of the pagers in a tin barrel, or correcting during NaNoWriMo. You jump in feet first and just do it. Forget that it doesn’t makes sense, that will come later.

Authors refer to it as Word Vomit. Yes, I know. That’s lovely. Hope you weren’t eating, but that’s the best way I can describe it. Kudos to the authors who can write an entire manuscript in one month.

I’m more your, ‘Take-it-slow-oh-look-a-butterfly’ kind of author. I’m easily distracted by life or donuts.

But, when inspiration hits, it’s on! I’ve been know to punch out a thousand words in a week. Were they perfect? Heck no, but it was the foundation to a great novel. Remember that yellow brick road I was talking about? All that will come later.

I don’t require a lot of prep work. But I do have a favorite spot.

When I’m writing, I don’t have it all mapped out like a Garmin. I’m jealous of the authors that can do that, but I have a general idea in my head.

Will I get a novel written by the end of November? I think I have a better chance of winning the lottery, but I’ll be closer to seeing The Wizard of Oz.




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